Friday, December 21, 2007

New High Score For Staries

Ya, another news on the high score on Staries, my currently favourite game in Facebook.

16000 freaking crazy points!!

Well, actually obviously that is not my highest score, but my friends'. Mine is currently topped at 13000. Still some rooms to expand ;)

Actually I have found a new strategy for Staries: Play as fast as you can. This not only increase your changes of getting high points but you will finish more games in a short time, thus increasing your chances of getting new high scores.

Anyway, 16000 points is nothing compares to the overall top scores which if not wrong is around 25000 points. I freaking do not know how those people did that? Don't they have a life? Keep playing all the times?

Well, nothing beats beating your friends scores. This is what makes playing Staries (or any games in Facebook) so addictive. Not a bad after work past time.;)

Until then, wish me new high scores !

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